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CLZ - 219 (BORIC ACID FREE) Economical chloride zinc process

CLZ-219 is an economical two-component brightener system for use in either mixed potassium/ammonium chloride or mixed sodium/ammonium chloride zinc plating operations. CLZ-219 has excellent leveling and covering power and will plate directly on carbo-nitrided, carburized, or case-hardened steel and cast and malleable iron. READ ENTIRE TECHNICAL DATA SHEET BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT.

  • High mileage brightener.
  • Value pricing .
  • Outstanding brightness.
  • Tolerant to contamination.
  • Boric acid free.
  • Very good covering power.
  • Broad operating ranges.
  • Low cost of operation.
  • Low cost of operation
  • Maximum aesthetic impact
  • Process reliability under adverse conditions
  • Elimination of anode polarization caused by impure boric acid; No boron in effluent
  • Deposits zinc over a broad current density range
  • Reliable and easy to control
CLZ-219 A is used for make-up and replenishment.
CLZ-219 B is used for make-up and replenishment.
CZ 515 A may be used in place of zinc chloride to make-up and replenish zinc metal.
Tanks Plating tanks of steel, lined with PVC, Koroseal, polypropylene or Polyethylene are recommended. Rubber lined tanks are not recommended. If they are to be used, a sample of the tank liner should be submitted to your technical representative for evaluation. Fiberglass tanks or tank liners may be used. Before making up ZINCOBRITE CLZ-219 zinc solution the tank must be cleaned and rinsed thoroughly. (CAUTION: If changing from a cyanide zinc process, introduction of acid may liberate cyanide gas.)
Heating and Cooling If heating and/or cooling is desired, coils should be made of Teflon or Titanium isolated from the direct current circuit. Quartz immersion heaters may also be used. Cooling coils should be made of Teflon or titanium isolated from the direct current circuit.
Filtration Barrel plating installations require continuous filtration to remove iron sludge contamination from the plating solution. The filtration system should have sufficient capacity to filter the plating solution two times per hour. All filter parts that come in contact with the plating solution should be nonmetallic. Do not use cellulose in any form as a filtering medium; Dyne or diatomaceous earth is recommended. Leached filter cartridges may also be used (15 microns).Periodic use of a light carbon pack on the filter is recommended (at least once per month). Use activated Carbon.
Anodes Flattop, ball, oval or slab anodes may be used. Anodes
should be pure zinc, ASTM Standard Specification B6
Special High Grade (99.99%).
Baskets made of pure titanium may be used with appropriate pure zinc anode metal if the applied voltage does not exceed 9 volts. Baskets must be kept full, with all the zinc below the level of the solution. Baskets and anodes should be kept clean to maintain good contact between the basket and the zinc anode metal. Anode area must be sufficient to keep anode current density
below 30 ASF (3.0 ASD). Do not use steel anode baskets or steel anode hooks.
If roughness is noted, in most cases, anodes should be bagged as a primary step in eliminating the difficulty. Anode bags must be Dynel or polypropylene. Anode bags should also be cleaned periodically. Roughness may also be due to incorrect anode current density, or high pH or burning.
Cover bus bars to minimize corrosion and possible solution contamination. Bus bars must be elevated and not submerged in the solution. Bus bars can be nickel plated to resist corrosion.
Power Source A 12-volt power source is required for barrel plating. Rectifiers must have low ripple (5% maximum). Ensure that the current for the plating tank is measured with a reliable meter. Stray alternating currents, current interruptions, and excessive ripple in the power source must be avoided.
Zinc Metal 22-37 gm/l
Potassium Chloride 130-190 gm/l
Ammonium Chloride 30-60 gm/l
Total Chloride 120-150 gm/l
CLZ : 219 A 30-40 ml/l
CLZ : 219 B 0.6-0.8 ml/l
Replenishment Determined by plating cell test
pH(electrometric) 5.0-5.5
Temperature 21-41º C(Optimum-27º C)
Agitation Air agitation is recommended
Filtration Continuous
Anodes Pure Zinc(99% zinc)
Anode to Cathode Ratio 2:1 minimum
Anode Current Density 10-30 amp/sq. ft
Cathode Current Density 1-25 amp/sq. ft


Prior to making up CLZ-219 zinc plating solution, the processing tank must be cleaned and rinsed thoroughly. In addition, the tank should be leached for a minimum of 24 hours. (See Leaching).

  1. Add 50 litres of warm water, 54 °C to the 100 litres tank.
  2. Add 8 litres of CZ 515 A with stirring.
  3. Add 4.5 kg's. of ammonium chloride.
  4. Add 18 kg's. of potassium chloride and stir until almost dissolved.
  5. Check the pH of the solution with a pH meter. Adjust if necessary to 5.0 to 5.5
    With technical grade hydrochloric acid to lower the pH or potassium hydroxide to raise the pH.
  6. Add 3-4 litres of CLZ: 219 A and 50 ml of CLZ: 219 B with stirring.
  7. Add sufficient water to bring solution to final operating volume.
  8. Recheck pH and adjust if necessary. The plating solution is now ready for
    Production use.

    Production use.
    1 Liter
    Ammonium chloride 45 grams
    Potassium chloride 180 grams
    ZINCOBRITE CLZ-912A 30-40 ml
    ZINCOBRITE CLZ-912B 0.60-0.80 ml
    Water to make 1 litre

Potassium Chloride/Ammonium Chloride
Potassium chloride or ammonium chloride used in making up and replenishing CLZ : 219 solutions must not contain humectants such as tricalcium phosphate, or
any organic additives. Use only chemical grade potassium chloride or ammonium chloride.

Rinsing after plating in CLZ :219 must be thorough and the last rinse tank should be clear at all times. After removal from the plating solution, allow the solution to drain from the parts above the plating tank or in are covery tank before water rinsing to reduce drag-out losses, thereby reducing operating cost.

Analyses the solution frequently so that it remains in chemical balance and will not require a large addition of chemicals at any one time to restore solution balance. Always analyze and adjust the zinc and chloride contents before adding CLZ: 219 A and CLZ: 219 B After making a corrective addition of potassium chloride and ammonium chloride in a 4:1 ratio by weight, measure the pH and adjust to the operating range use technical grade hydrochloric acid to lower the pH or with potassium hydroxide to raise the pH.
CZ 515 A may be used to increase the zinc metal content of the CLZ : 219 solution when the zinc metal content of the solutions is depleted too quickly to be replaced by the anodes, as in the case of excessive drag-out. In such cases, CLZ : 219 may be added to the operating solution to raise the zinc metal content. and total chloride content of the solution by 250 ml of CZ : 515 A added to 100 liters of operating solution will raise both the zinc metal content and total chloride content of the solution by 1 g/L).
The major factors that determine brightener consumption are drag-in of rinse water, drag-out of plating solution, temperature, and electrolysis. CLZ : 219 B consumption should range from 250 ml per 1000 Amp/ Hour. However, additions of CLZ : 129 B are best determined by plating cell test and visual observation of the work. There may be a tendency to add an excessive amount of CZ: 219 B to the plating solution based upon plating cell tests made without agitation. Part of the brilliance of the CLZ: 219 deposit obtained in production is due to agitation of the solution. Therefore, it is advisable to agitate the test cell solution during test plating.
Additions should be one part CLZ: 219 A for every 1 to 3 parts of CLZ: 219 B replenished based on operating experience and drag-out.

Air agitation and solution circulation are highly recommended. Air agitation will help remove iron from the plating solution and reduce the need for hydrogen peroxide. Solution circulation may be achieved in large plating tanks in automatic lines by placing the intake and discharge of the filtration system at opposite ends of the tank, counter current to the workflow.
Low-pressure air (not compressed air) should be used and the blower intake should be equipped with a filter to remove particles to ensure that only clean air enters the solution. Do not place the blower air intake in an area where it may pick up acid fumes or other contaminants. The blower size formula is: 1 cubic foot per minute for each foot of perforated agitation pipe with blower pressure at 1 pound per square inch for each 18 inches of solution depth. Your local representative will be pleased to make recommendations concerning equipment.

pH Control
Maintain pH between 5.0 and 5.5 with frequent small additions of diluted technical grade hydrochloric acid. Never use acid that is green. When measuring pH use a meter.

Optimum temperature is 27°C. Recommended operating temperature range is 21 to 41 °C.The solution can be operated above 38° but brightener consumption will increase significantly; however, deposits will be bright and level. The solution will operate at lower temperatures and produce bright level deposits; however, plating efficiency decreases at lower temperatures.

The major contaminant in all chloride zinc plating solutions is iron. This contamination is normally controlled in the CLZ: 219 process by the use of air agitation along with solution filtration. If hydrogen peroxide is to be used, contact your local representative for the recommended procedure.

The tank should be leached for 24 hours minimum as follows:
NOTE: If changing from a cyanide zinc process, introduction of acid may liberate cyanide gas. Cyanide gas is poisonous. Leaching should be done only with adequate exhaust ventilation. It may be necessary to have the exhaust scrubbed. 1. 2. 3.
Prepare a leaching solution consisting of 3% by volume technical grade hydrochloric
acid and 97% water. If possible, heat to 49°C to accelerate the leaching process.
Add 75 ml of CLZ- 219 A for each 100 liters of leaching solution.

Fill plating tank to the top of the tank and let solution stand for 24 hours.
Drain tank and rinse thoroughly with water.

If fiberglass tanks are used, leaching must be most thorough. In addition, the tank or lining manufacturer should warrant that no mold release was used in tank construction or specify the mold release and methods of removing any impregnation from the fiberglass.

HAZARDS: CZ: 515 A Liquid and the operating solution contain zinc chloride which can cause severe irritation of respiratory tract; severe burns to skin and eyes. Ingestion may cause toxic effects. CZ: 219 B may cause severe irritation to respiratory tract and skin, possible eye burns. CZ: 219 A can cause irritation to skin and eyes. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not take internally.

FIRST AID: In case of contact of CLZ: 219 A, CLZ : 219 B, CZ 515 A LIQUID, pH adjusters, additives or the operating solution; immediately flush skin or eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes; for eyes seek immediate medical attention. Remove and wash contaminated clothing and shoes.

HANDLING INFORMATION: When making up or adding to solutions, always add CLZ: 219 A, CLZ: 219 B, CZ 515 A LIQUID, pH adjusters and additives slowly and cautiously. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Avoid breathing mist or vapors. When handling CLZ : 219 A, CLZ : 219 B, CZ : 515 A LIQUID, pH adjusters, additives or the operating solution wear chemical safety goggles, face shield, rubber gloves, respirator, and protective clothing. Avoid contamination with any other foreign material. Exhaust ventilation is recommended to remove dust, mist or vapors that may be generated during make-up and operation.

CONTAINER INFORMATION: Keep containers tightly closed. Store indoors in a cool, dry place. Loosen closure cautiously when opening containers. Wash
Thoroughly after handling. Do not reuse containers, wash before disposal. Improper disposal or reuse of containers may be dangerous and illegal.


The following analytical procedures are recommended for use by personnel who have been trained to use laboratory practices which are considered safe and prudent by chemical industry standards. Such practices include suitable personal protective equipment, the use of proper equipment, the use of proper methods of handling all chemicals and proper laboratory procedures. Use only analytical reagent grade chemicals and deionized or distilled water in the following analytical procedures.

CAUTION: The following procedures involve the use of potentially hazardous chemicals. Consult manufacturer's material safety data sheets and follow the appropriate safety precautions.


Equipment Needed
2 ml pipette
25 ml graduated cylinder
50 ml burette
250 ml Erlenmeyer flask

Before analysis treat the solution with activated carbon (2-3 Gms/Litre) and filter.


Reagents Required

  1. Ammonia Ammonium chloride Buffer Solution
  2. Eriochrome Black T Indicator
  3. 0.05 M E.D.T.A.
Pipette out 2 ml in a conical flask. Dilute with 25 ml distilled water. Add 10 ml
Ammonia Ammonium Chloride Buffer Solution and a few drops of Eriochrome
Black Indicator and titrate with 0.05 M E.D.T.A. to a blue end point.
1 ml 0.05 M E.D.T.A. = 0.003269 Gms Zinc

Burette reading X 1.635 = Gms/Litre Zinc

Before analysis treat the solution with activated carbon (2-3 Gms/Litre) and filter.


Reagents Required
4. Ammonia Ammonium chloride Buffer Solution
5. Eriochrome Black T Indicator
6. 0.05 M E.D.T.A.

Pipette out 2 ml in a conical flask. Dilute with 25 ml distilled water. Add 10 ml
Ammonia Ammonium Chloride Buffer Solution and a few drops of Eriochrome
Black Indicator and titrate with 0.05 M E.D.T.A. to a blue end point.

1 ml 0.05 M E.D.T.A. = 0.003269 Gms Zinc

Burette reading X 1.635 = Gms/Litre Zinc

Total Chloride

Reagent Required
1. Calcium Carbonate
2. Potassium Chromate Indicator
3. 0.1N Silver Nitrate

Pipette out 2 ml solution in a 500 ml conical flask. Add 50 ml distilled water and calcium carbonate in slightly excess to remove free acidity. Add Potassium Chromate Indicator till solution is distinctly yellow. Titrate with 0.1 N Silver Nitrate till appearance of reddish tinge on the precipitate.

ml of 0.1 N Silver Nitrate = 0.003546 Gms CL

Burette Reading x 1.773 = Gms/Ltr CL Total Chloride

For more detailed information on the toxicological properties of the products described herein, reference can be made to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each product. If you do not have the proper MSDS, it can be requested from: YOUR LOCAL representative.
The information presented herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate and all recommendations and suggestions appearing in this bulletin covering the use of our products are based upon information believed to be reliable. However, since the conditions of use are beyond our control, this information is given on the express condition and agreement that YOUR LOCAL will not be liable to any person in contract, tort (including negligence), and strict liability or otherwise for any claims, damages or losses whatsoever. Nothing herein shall be deemed a recommendation to use any product or process in violation of any existing patent rights and no warranties, expressed or implied, are made regarding the information, product, processes, recommendations, description and safety notations contained herein. The above includes proprietary information of YOUR LOCAL representative and is furnished to you for your use solely on products or processes supplied by us to you.
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